October 1, 2020 Nicolette Haen
Skills That Lead to Success
During these unprecedented times, finding the right job candidate is more important than ever. As an essential business, Excellerate has continued to recruit for qualified candidates to join the team. Our entry level production positions do not require any manufacturing experience, and we believe that you do not have to have manufacturing experience to be successful at our company. Our recruiters are searching for transferrable skills such as:
- Willingness to Learn
- Dependability
- Safety Consciousness
- Team Oriented
The skills above have proven to make our employees successful. Excellerate has a robust training program for new employees that will help to develop manufacturing skills. All new employees on their first day go through an all-day Onboarding that includes information on the company, benefits, policies, safety training and more. Within the first month of an employee’s employment, they are sent to a QuickStart training. This training is designed to provide employees with the manufacturing knowledge and skills needed to continue to develop at Excellerate. The training includes:
- LEAN Overview
- 5S Overview
- Visual Management/Production Tracking
- Quality Program Overview
- Reading Production Drawings
- Material Identification
- Tool Identification
- Measuring Activity
- Wire Stripping and Hand Drill Training
All this training is provided during working hours and is paid. Excellerate is dedicated to developing our employees to be the most successful they can be.
If you are searching for a new opportunity due to COVID-19 and you possess a willingness to learn, a safety mindset, and are dependable and team oriented, you may be more qualified than you think for various types of jobs. Don’t be afraid to apply for positions that you hadn’t thought about before; there are learning opportunities out there for those who are willing to try something new.
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